Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What do you like/disklike about the broadcast TV websites for viewing TV shows?

I recently caught up with a lot of TV shows by watching them on-line at their websites,but I found some to be much better than others.For instance I found WB 11 to be very annoying in the fact that I like to watch the show in full-screen but everytime a commercial comes on they shrink the screen to mini and the volume for the commercial is 3times louder.They also limit the amount of episodes you can watch,usually only 3 are available.

While ABC tv for watching Lost is excellent quality and works extremely fast.As well ABC TV allowed me to catch up on 3 years of Lost episodes!! I was only missing out on about 1 year though.

Here's some of the sites to compare the local:

CBS TV Channel 2 in NJ

NBC TV Channel 4 in NJ

Fox TV Channel 5 in NJ

WB TV Channel 11 in NJ

ABC TV Channel 7 in NJ

What do you like/disklike about the broadcast TV websites for viewing TV shows?
Since moving into a place where my PC is a lot easier to watch than the one TV, I have been watching Fox On Demand. I love being able to do this at all, but it has it's share of problems. I often have "stalling" issues, even though my bandwidth is solid. This causes 5-20 seconds worth of show to just be entirely unavailable. If I reload the entire thing, it will more often than not choke at the same spot.. missing important dialogs or punchlines can make the whole thing a bummer. Issues with video and sound quality randomly degrading too. And the comercial volume as you mentioned.

But, it's all I can do since I no longer have a DVR! So I'm happy enough... oh and thanks for the links to other networks. I wouldn't have even thought to look for them on my own for a while.
Reply:You pretty much captured most of the gripes video stream viewers deal with, watching TV episodes on their PC. Most of those complaints stem from individual website or PC user software issues---which I agree, does take away from the quality of whatever is viewed. I'm not a big fan of PC/TV viewing yet; it's nice, but not exciting.....yet.

The irony of the whole matter for me is I'm watching past episodes of TV shows I'm pretty sure have fallen victim to the writers strike---good shows that had a chance, but were sabotaged by embittered writers whose strike torpedoed 'em. I look at that and think "what a waste".....sighhhh.

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