Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tv license question?

i desperately need advice as i received a summon to court today. last year november they checked my house and found my tv with aerial. later i received a letter asking to pay for tv licence. i responded saying that i use my tv for viewing dvds only (it was true, i threw away my aerial right after their visit, but didn't watch tv before that either). i based that on saying in their website that you do not need tv license if you use your tv for these purposes. no response. today got a summon to court. and i will not be able to attend as will be out of country at that time. my questions would be: how serious it is? what are my chances to prove i'm not guilty? how much can i expect to pay (they say it's up to £1000, can it be less?) what should i do now?... any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Tv license question?
You were given incorrect advice about not needing a license if you only use your TV for watching DVD's, as long as you have a TV you need a license.

I think you need to contact the Citizens Advice Bureau, speak to someone there and explain what you have said here.

I think the fine is anything up to £1,000, but there are always extenuating circumstances which should be taken into account. And if possible, it might be best to try and make the court appearance, otherwise they might feel you are not taking the situation seriously?

Good luck anyway

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