Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tv or no tv in a 2 year olds room?

I currently have a tv in my 2 year old daughters room and she will not go to sleep with out it of even take a day time nap 99% of the time she will not even take a nap because she is to interested in tv i have to phisiclly take the tv out and she screams, the only reson why we had put the tv in her room was because she woulnt let us watch any thing should i keep the tv out of her room or leave it alone or is there any other tactics that can help, please share im going nut and about to pull my hair out.LOL

Tv or no tv in a 2 year olds room?
The TV should not be in your 2 year olds room. My children 3 and 18 months only get to watch maybe an hour a week and on long car rides they can watch education movies (Leapfrog, Baby Einstein). There is a direct correlation with children watching too much TV and short attention spans, also a higher chance of type II diabetes due to inactivity and weight gain later on in childhood.

You should NEVER let your child fall asleep watching TV this is a very bad habit to get into. When you fall asleep with the TV you don't get as restful sleep as you would if you fell asleep on your own, you are setting your daughter up for difficulties later on in life with her ability to fall asleep and awaken rested.

Your daughter will scream and yell and do whatever she has to do to get her way, you absolutely need to hold your ground. She will get worse before she gets better but in the end she will be fine. I tell my children they get 3 books to read and then they has to go to bed. We read books then I tell them about all the great things we are going to do the next day and how special they are and kiss them goodnight. They are great sleepers! It was a lot of work but well worth it.
Reply:No tv.

'She wouldn't let us watch anything' ??? Who's running the family here?

Soon she'll be 12; better get it under control now. She will go to sleep when she's tired. If she keeps you up half the night, don't let her nap the next day.
Reply:No tv in her room. Put it in your room, and let her watch a show or two in there. What we did, is put a small tv in our kitchen, that way if our kids want to watch a show, and we're in the living room, then they can do so in there, It also works great because we are trying to teach our kids to eat at the dinner table, so now if they want a snack, they can also do so, while watching their favorite show.
Reply:heck no you dont need to have a tv in a 2 yr olds bedroom
Reply:no tv in her room and let her only watch a few times a day as a treathave her play games and do other stuff
Reply:Remove the TV and take some parenting classes, she is way to young to be watching television consistently like that it sounds like that's all that child has been doing, what do you do all day? You have to play with a baby from the time they are born you cannot set them in front of a TV because you don't know what to do with them. OMG! seriously for the good of your little one I am sure you love her very much and now is the time to show her take her to the park and play ball with her take her to the pool this summer and go swimming with her, and if you have extra weight I don't want that as an excuse as to why you can't go, find your baby interesting and teach her things take her for walks and rides in her stroller play parachute with her (flutter a bed sheet up and down and she will love it) take her roller skating do face painting with each other, bake a cake and let her lick the bowl get a sand box and play in it with her let her bury you, let her play in the sink with water or get her a water table for the yard dam I could go on and on play dress up oh here's one get on the phone and call the junk yard to come and pick that brain fryer up children live what they learn mom so don't tell me you aren't a couch potato that relies on that TV for entertainment get up and get moving.
Reply:good trick, disconnect the cable and she'll get bored with it, then there's no more fighting about it. also, it's your house, don't let her try to control what you watch. in other words, pick out two hours worth of shows a day that you feel she ccan watch, and no more. whatever you want to see is up to you, don't let her rule the house
Reply:Who is the adult in your home.

No tv in the room at all.
Reply:no tv
Reply:Shut the freakin TV off!

Are you SERIOUS?? A TV in a 2 year old's room?

Get rid of it!

Cuddle her, and read to her, or sing to her.


catthecook (below) has the right answer!
Reply:i feel your pain my sons the same way, but it works, he falls asleep to the tv, i let him watch one cartoon show before bed if hes still awake, he knows its time for bed, if she troes turining it on after you turn it off tell her you;ll have to take it out of her room, than do it
Reply:no, you shouldn't have a tv in her room and able her to get addicted... my hubbie, cannot fall asleep with the tv off, therefore, we always have to have the tv on, right when he gets home, he flips the tv on, and it doesn't go off until after we go to sleep. sometiems we go for hours not talking becase he is soooo involved with the tv, and when he leaves, i turn it off and enjoy the quiet... help her to not want the tv by reading with her, and helping her read to fall assep... i know she is two and cannot read yet, but you can read to her, and teach her how to read. this will also help her with her reading skils when she goes to school.
Reply:You are frying her brains, but I think you can maybe sing a lullaby, my aunt does for my cousin. Or you could by her some music to make her go to sleep.
Reply:Well definitely no T.V. Someone that young should not be having a T.V. in her room (w/ cable?). If she watches T.V. with you, that is much better than by herself (so she can socialize with the family and grow closer to her parents), but let her enjoy it in moderation. (Keep the T.V. outside of her room in your family's common area)

I suggest a more educational form of entertainment, playing with the whole family. For example, board games (possibly Scrabble, Trivia Pursuit) have games that are educational, fun, and an alternative that will make your family have a lot of fun time together. At this time in her life, it is easier to change habits than it is in teen years. I strongly suggest getting rid of the T.V., it might be a pain now but you will it regret later own in her life.
Reply:That is way to young!
Reply:take it out permanently
Reply:First of all -who's the adult here? Seems to me that your child wears the pants in your house. Take control of the situation and lay down the law. So what if she screams. She has to learn to respect the rules of the house and to respect you. What are you going to do when she's 5 - 10 - 15??? Get hold of it now or your in serious trouble.
Reply:No tv in a 2 years old room thank you
Reply:Absolutely not!! You are overstimulating her. You have to be firm. If you can't stand up to a 2 yo what will you do when she's older? You are the parent. You do what's best for her. She needs books and toys, not TV.

Yes, she is going to cry and scream but you will have to ignore it. It will get better in time.
Reply:excuse me? your two year old wouldn't LET you watch TV? take the TV out of her room RIGHT away. she is controlling you. put on music for her to fall asleep to if she needs noise. she will probably scream and cry the first few times, but after a while IF YOU ARE CONSISTENT, she will earn that YOU are the boss and she gets no TV. TV should be a treat, something earned, not something she gets all the time.. stop letting her control you. good luck!
Reply:NO TV, i have 3 kids 10yr., 5yr %26amp; 18month %26amp; non of them have TV on their room we only have a TV in the entertainment room ,in our room %26amp; in the kitchen, they all take turns to watch Tv i let them watch for an hour what ever they want of course PG %26amp; if my boy wants to watch what my son is watching they can watch it, if not they will wait for it's turn, my 18 mth only watches ELMO (no problem w/ him) BUt we did this so when ever we can we watch TV together as a family is more fun that way you spend time with them too, too much TV is BAD so set her a shedule so she can do other things too like play with dolls or other activities %26amp; you can also once in a while teach her that she has to respect that you are watching tv %26amp; she can watch too or go play with out bothering, when ever me %26amp; my hubby wants to watch a movie or tv program we ask them if they want to play or watch a movie but of ou choice that way they will not figth %26amp; they respect our choices, so maybe this can help you GOOD LUCK %26amp; remember TOO much TV is BAD!! :)
Reply:All of these people are sooo judgemental. I have a 4 year old son, and when he was 2 we put a tv in his room. He knows he has limits with it. He watches a DVD before bed almost every night. At first turning it off was a hassle he would scream and cry, so we set up a tv time chart. Try something like that. Putting a TV in your child's room is not a bad thing.
Reply:no tv
Reply:NO TV...she's 2 for crying out loud!
Reply:tv is a bad idea for the childs room, my ex boyf's cousin, had a tv in her sons room, since he was born, and he is now 6 going on 7 yrs old and he "can't sleep" without the tv being on, she always put a movie on for him, 20% of the tim he would fall asleep to the movies right away, the onter 80% of the time he was up running around the house til 4 in the morning, whenever he would fall asleep to his tv and 4 hours later after the movie has been over with for 2 hours, he would wake up and if no one turned his tv back on for him, he would refuse to go back to sleep!
Reply:I say yes. Just limit how much of it they watch. this is a good way to enjoy 'grown up movies' in the living room without exposing kids to things they need not know yet. however, limiting the amount of tv is a good idea. at nap time unplug it and bedtime as well if you don't want her to fall asleep watching. I leave my 4 year olds tv on at night (as a nightlight) and then if by some chance she wakes up before I do in the am she has cartoons to keep her occupied until I get up. and just another bit of info...my 4 year doesn't take naps and hasn't since she was a baby, some kids just don't need them.
Reply:take it out when she is not home. No matter how she screams, it will be better for her now so when shes old she'll be able to spend less time with the tv when she's older. If she gets that addictaded now it will be really bad for her work and health. Try to spend more time outside or something. After she goes to sleep try to get some tv in for yourself. Or get a small tv in YOUR room, but take it out from hers also. Its really important, and she's to young to hold a grudge she'll remember. Good luck!


ps. try some warm milk or a lullabye!

go here for some more sleep suggestions!

Reply:OMG!!Alright I'm not going to tell you if it's right or wrong or even what you should do.I have a tv in my 2 year old daughter's room.She sometimes watches it during nap time but never at night.My parents bought the tv for her.It's one of those little ones with a vcr built in.They got it because my daughter was DRIVING me CRAZY with Dora.I only let my daughter watch a few half hour episodes of Dora a day but let me tell you it helps sooo much.If we didn't have a tv for her I wouldn't be able to get anything done and everybody else would be complaining that they didn't wanna watch "baby" shows anymore.I don't think she's too young.As long as the tv isn't a babysitter then go for it.
Reply:no tv
Reply:No tv

tooth and nail

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