Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tv to PC doesn't work correctly! Help? Ok so here's whats going on. I built a new computer, here are the specs

Q6600 2.4Ghz, 2 gigs pc6400 DDR2, geforce 8800 GT OC2 (By BFG), XFX Nvidia 680i motherboard

I'm using an DVI to HDMI cable, out to a Sony Bravia, when I boot the PC with the monitor plugged in all is well. If I hook the tv up all is well as long as the computer is booted. However heres the problem.

If I reboot the pc with just the tv plugged in, the computer just keeps rebooting. It never makes it to the windows loading screen. If I start the pc up initially with the tv plugged in by itself, the same thing happens.

No matter what I seem to do I can't seem to make my computer start up with the tv plugged in, but I can do it once the PC i booted up.

I've updated the graphics card drivers and the bios already. Idea's anyone?


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